as a response to
As an author of the Agile Manifesto
I want that stupid story format to go away
So that people can get to the essence of user stories.— Ron Jeffries
as a response to
As an author of the Agile Manifesto
I want that stupid story format to go away
So that people can get to the essence of user stories.— Ron Jeffries
Mike Cohn notes:
Without standards of excellence for agile, anyone can call anything agile.
And asks his blog readers:
What do you think are the core principles or elements of agility?
Which starts an interesting discussion.
One answer that I want to refer to is the “Heart of Agile” by Alistair Cockburn. It’s
I like The Ten Rules of a Zen Programmer. Some interesting ideas here. The author wrote a whole book about it.
Brian Goetz, Java Language Architect at Oracle, gave an interesting presentation “From Concurrent to Parallel” (available on InfoQ) on the subject back in 2009. Here are the most important points of his talk.
Java 8 introduces the Stream library (which was, in Brians words, developed as a showcase for the new Java 8 language features). Just calling “.parallel()” advices the library to process the stream “in parallel”, i.e. in multiple threads.
Parallel processing is an optimization and therefore the general questions regarding optimizations have to be answered:
Only if the answer to all these questions is “yes” you may take the time to investigate whether “.parallel()” will increase the performance.
Compared to sequentionally processing a stream, processing it in parallel has overhead costs: splitting the data, managing the threads that will process the data and combining the results. So you may not see as much speed up as you might hope for.
Brian talks about several factors that undermine speedup.
He talks about a simple model called “NQ model”. N*Q should be greater than 10.000. N is the number of data items. Q is factor that expresses how CPU-expensive the processing step is. “Summing numbers” or “finding the max of integers” is very inexpensive and Q would be near 1. More complex tasks would have higher values of Q. So if all you want is to add up numbers, you need a lot of numbers to see a performance gain.
If the data to be processed is saved next to each other in RAM, it will be transfered together in CPU caches. Accessing cache memory instead of main memory is very fast, so data in an array is processed much faster than data in a linked list that is spread all over the main memory. Also when the data in an array is just pointers data access will be slow. As a demonstration, Brian shows that summing up an array of (native) integers in parallel scales well with number of CPU cores. Summing up an array of Integer-objects scales very poorly because there are just pointers in the array.
The more indirections (pointers) you work with the more cache-misses will have the CPU wait for memory access.
In order to process data in parallel, the source of the data has to be splitted in order to hand parts of the data to different CPUs. Splitting arrays is simple, splitting linked list is hard (Brian said: linked list are splitted into “first element, rest”).
When the result combination is the sum of numbers, that is easy to calculate. If the result is a set, and the result combination is to merge the resulting sets, this is expensive. It might be faster to sequentially add each result into one set.
Operations like “limit()”, “skip()” and “findFirst()” depend on the order of the data in the stream. This makes the pipelines using them “less exploitable” regarding parallelism. You can call “unordered()” if the order is not meaningful to you and the JVM will optimize those operations.
Of course you will lose performance if you have to mutate shared state and guarding access to it with locks etc.
Brian mentions that parallel streams where built for CPU-heavy tasks. If you do mainly IO in the processing steps than use ThreadPools and Executors etc.
As stated in the Streams API documentation, the API uses one JVM wide Fork-Join-Pool with a number of threads that defaults to the number of processors on the computer system. Why? Because it is expected that a processing steps will utilize the CPU as much as possible. So there is no sense in having more threads then CPU cores.
In contrast, when having IO-heavy tasks you want to have many more threads than CPU cores because the threads will wait for IO most of the time and therefore not utilize the CPU.
For almost 10 years I have been working with email (SMTP) as
integration technology. It is often used between different
organizations. Using email as integration technology may seem
outdated but it is not.
Here is a list of advantages:
Of course there are some disadvantages:
Zachary Flower points out the importance of proper documention in his article “API Design: A Documentation-first Approach ” and even encourages a “documentation-first approach”.
He also cautions us against a “build-first” approach, utilizing existing architecture:
When designing an API, it is often desireable to take a “build first” approach, especially when utilizing the architecture of a pre-existing product. Unfortunately, this mindset doesn’t follow the standard usability practices that we follow when building apps with graphic interfaces. It is extremely important that we take a user-centric approach to API design, because we are developing a product to be consumed by other developers. If we can’t empathise with their needs and frustrations, then who can we empathise with? This user-centric focus is an important reason to start by writing your API documentation, rather than just designing it. When you create good documentation, good design follows, but the reverse isn’t necessarily true.
In Java, a synchronized method is not thread safe if it reads from and writes to one or more static member variables.
public class SomeClass { static int someCounter = 0; synchronized void doSomething() { for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { someCounter++; // do something that takes a bit of time, e.g. //""); System.out.println("counter="+counter); } } }
and assume the access to someCounter
is somehow thread safe because of the synchronized
keyword on doSomething
As soon as you call doSomething
concurrently on multiple SomeClass
instances, it will not print unique numbers. This is because the all instance share the same static member variables. Between the increment of someCounter
and printing it, its value might have already changed by another instance.
That particular bug was a bit hidden because a “SomeClass
” instance was “cached” in a JEE stateless session bean. Of course the JEE container creates multiple instances of the session bean and hence multiple instances of SomeClass
If you want to stop the route you are currently using, you can’t do it using
because it will wait for the current “inflight” message to be processed until “the end”.
So you need to do this async:
// .... private void shutdownRoute() { ShutdownRoute shutdownRoute = new ShutdownRoute(camelContext); new Thread(shutdownRoute).start(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); // makes sure route is stop before this message finished } catch (InterruptedException e) { // whatever } } // ... class ShutdownRoute implements Runnable { /** log instance */ private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShutdownRoute.class.getName()); private final CamelContext context; ShutdownRoute(final CamelContext cContext) { context = cContext; } @Override public void run() { try { context.stopRoute(YOUR_ROUTE_ID); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to stop route",e); } } }
We do this when using the circuit breaker pattern. In the error handling processor we check if the circuit breaker goes to the OPEN state. If so, the route stops itself. Via another route we check periodically if the circuit breaker is in the HALF-OPEN state and start the route again.
At one point in our latest project using Apache Camel, I wanted to stop a message from being further processed depending on a condition. This is quite easy to do with the route builder, for example:
from("direct:example") .choice() .when(header("someheader").isEqualTo("bla")) .stop() .end()
If you already know that a message needs to be stopped right away in a Processor or a AggregationStrategy, there is an easy way to signal this without a seperate “stop-branch” in the route. You simply set the header ROUTE_STOP to TRUE like this:
if (....) { // stop here original.setProperty(Exchange.ROUTE_STOP, Boolean.TRUE); return original; }
And the message will not be further processed.