In the light of the recent case of introducing malicious code through a popular JavaScript module on npm, I like to mention .

In a simple, free of charge scenario, scans build or dependencies files on your github or gitlab projects and periodically reports vulnerabilities. Snyk supports Node, Ruby, Java, Scala and Python projects.

If you pay for, you get a lot more integrations, CLI and API access etc.

In my own trial I found that even for fairly recent spring boot and apache camel dependency tree there a dozen of high-rated vulnerabilities! (Many of them by using “com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind@2.9.1”). So the next question is if it’s advisable to upgrade to a secure patch of – say – jackson-databind although I use it only indirectly – in other words: will the depended framework still work with the secure patch version?

An open-source alternative is OWASP-Dependency-Check. It scans Java and .Net dependencies, has experimental support for Python, Ruby, PHP (composer), and Node.js applications. The tool seems to be JVM-based. There is a SonarQube-plugin. I have not tried it myself.

Sometimes I do a code kata at That is a fun way to solve computer science related problems, learn on the way to solve them and especially learn from the solutions of others.

Today I completed the kata “Make a spanning tree” using Javascript. I occasionally use Javascript to write an event handler or so but I don’t have much experience in “modern” Javascript. Here is what I learnt from looking at the solutions of others.


I know this from my Scala class and Clojure.

You can assign array elements to variables:

   var a, b, rest;
   [a, b] = [10, 20];
   // expected output: 10

   // expected output: 20

   [a, b,] = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

   // expected output: [30,40,50]

so “…rest” is assign the rest of the array.

This is nice syntactic sugar also when working with nested arrays. Eg when “edges” is an array of pairs:

   // sort edges by weight
   edges.sort(([edge_a, a], [edge_b, b]) => a - b);

There is object destructuring:

var o = {p: 42, q: true};
var {p, q} = o;

console.log(p); // 42
console.log(q); // true

and even assigning to new variable names

var o = {p: 42, q: true};
var {p: foo, q: bar} = o;
console.log(foo); // 42 
console.log(bar); // true   

See MDN web docs for more.

Spread operator to create an array using an array literal

Using an array literal to create an array from two other arrays:

   const sets = {};
   // new array with sets[a] elements and sets[b] elements
   const set = [...sets[a], ...sets[b]];

Objects are associative arrays (aka Maps)

Although I already knew this, kind of, this refreshes my JS

First, you can add properties to Objects without declaring them in
the first place:

   let obj = {}; // anonymous object
   obj.height=2; // create new property "heigth" and assign value
   console.log(obj.height); // 2

Second, instead of the dot-notation you can use array index
notation using the property name as the index:

   let ojb = {};
   obj['height'] = 2;
   console.log(obj['height']); // 2

One solution uses this in order to save the weighted edges in an
object just like i did in the proper Map object:

   let set = {};
   edges.filter(e => e[0][1] !== e[0][0]).forEach(e => {
    if (!set[e[0]] || minOrMaxFunc(set[e[0]], e[1])>00) { set[e[0]] = e[1]; }

Third, methods are kind of properties, too. In the same solution,
“minOrMaxFunc” is cleverly choosen (“minOrMax” argument is either
“min” or “max”):

   function makeSpanningTree(edges, minOrMax) {
     let minOrMaxFunc = { min: (a, b) => a - b, max: (a, b) => b - a }[minOrMax];
     // ...

it creates an objects with two methods: “min” and “max” and then
accesses the one that is given in the argument. If “minOrMax” is
“min”, a reference of the “min” method is returned.

Strings are arrays

Destructuring works with strings:

   let [a,b] = 'ABC';
   console.log(a); // "A"
   console.log(b); // "B"

and you can index strings:

   const s = "ABC";
   s[1]; // "B"

“var” vs. “let”

Of course, the solutions written in “modern” JS use “let” and
“const” all over the place. I just reassured myself about the
difference between let and var:

First, variables declared in a block using “var” are visible
outside that block and are “known” before being declared:

   function f() {
    console.log(v); // undefined
    { var v = 3; }
    console.log(v); // 3

a block might be a for-loop.

Variables declared using let are not visible outside the block and
are not “known” before declared:

   function f() {
    console.log(v); // Reference error
    { let v = 3; }
    console.log(v); // Reference error

Third, you might not redeclare a variable using let:

   var a = 0;
   var a = 1; // OK
   let b = 0;
   let b = 1; // not OK

So basically, “let” is a sane way to declare variables.